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política: a reducir impuestos

los comentarios del ahora pisqueño pedro pablo kuczynski en correo, sobre la reducción de impuestos me abrió la duda: ¿y si fuera cierto?

fuente: correo

claro, según ppk esto le funcionó muy bien a australia y a algunos países de europa del este. es más en la nota, entrevistan a gino kaiserberger del consejo empresarial para el desarrollo, quien propuso además que se implemente el flat tax (impuesto único) que funcionó perfecto en estonia.

no sé. debe haber algo más. estonia es uno de los países con mayor crecimiento en el mundo y con bajos niveles de desigualdad social. reviso la wikipedia y leo lo siguiente:

The Estonian economy is growing quickly, partly due to a number of Scandinavian companies relocating their routine operations to the country and Russian oil transit using Estonian ports. Estonia has a strong information technology (IT) sector, partly due to the Tiigrihüpe project undertaken in the 1990s. Its GDP PPP per capita is at $20,300, the highest of the Baltic states, while its unemployment rate was 4.2% in July 2006, one of the lowest in the European Union.
tiigrihüpe, uhm. suena a proyecto privado. reviso nuevamente.
Tiigrihüpe (Estonian for Tiger's Leap) was a project undertaken by Republic of Estonia to heavily invest in development and expansion of computer and network infrastructure in Estonia, with a particular emphasis on education. The project was first proposed in 1996 by Toomas Hendrik Ilves, then ambassador of Estonia to USA and later President of Estonia, and Jaak Aaviksoo, then minister of Education. The project was announced by Lennart Meri, the President of Estonia, on February 21, 1996. Funds for the foundation of Tiigrihüpe were first allocated in national budget of 1997.

An important primary effect of the project was rollout of Internet access to all Estonian schools, which effectively ended UUCP usage in Estonia, combined with installing computer labs in most schools, and replacing those that already existed with IBM PC based parks. Due to an economic and technologic lag effected on Estonia by the Soviet occupation, CP/M based 8-bit computer systems were not yet a rare sight in Estonian schools in the middle of the 1990s.

In the aftermath of the Cyberattacks on Estonia 2007, plans to combine network defence with Estonian military doctrine, and related NATO plans to create a Cybernetic Defence Centre in Estonia, have been nicknamed as Tiger's Defence (Estonian: Tiigrikaitse), in reference to Tiigrihüpe.
claro, estado invirtiendo en educación. así no vale. así cualquiera pone su flat tax.


1 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo said,


    on 11:41 p. m.