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audrey hepburn + ac/dc = gap

que audrey es uno de los rostros más bellos que haya pasado por la historia del cine, es algo que se puede decir todo el tiempo sin cansarse.

los de gap han usado su imagen y añadido (un mashup señores y señoras) para una campaña publicitaria, que, no podía ser de otro modo, benéfica.

In celebration of the launch of the "Keep It Simple" ad campaign, Gap is making a generous contribution to the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund.
The Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund is a non-profit organization created to continue Ms. Hepburn's international appeals on behalf of children around the world.
You can also donate or buy an Audrey t-shirt, the book by her son, Sean, or drawings by Audrey as a child.


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