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¿No hay innovación en internet fuera de USA? (parte 1)

¿No hay innovación en la red fuera de USA?
Tomado de: Endocitosis de red

No sabía si poner interrogante o no al título, finalmente no he puesto.
Readwrite web, otro de estos sites sobre web2.0 a tener en cuenta, di en un post con una cita de otro site que citaré junto con el comentario del autor de readwrite (australiano por cierto) :
"Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be as much tech innovation coming from grassroots-tech in Ireland. The US is doing some great work in Web 2.0 and Blogging; having loads of conferences and blogger-dinners; while all we have here is a few very business-like events, and seemingly very few new projects. What's needed is for us to CONNECT and SHARE and maybe a few companies will get started as a result!"
I feel exactly the same way about my own country. Indeed my first thought on reading this was: why doesn't New Zealand do the same?

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