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El blog más idiota de la red

Realmente es lo más parecido a un blog sobre nada
"I was in a room carrying out some routine activities. I began to consider playing some music on the stereo system. I looked at some compact discs for a while, but didn't put one on."
"I had several pieces of paper in front of me. I looked at one of them for a few moments, then put it aside. Having done so I picked up another piece and looked at it for a while."
"The lace on one of my shoes was undone. I knelt down, took the two ends of the lace in my hand and tied them together. Having tied my lace I stood up again. "

3 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo said,

    Mas idiota el que le presta atencion a un idiota jajjaja

    on 7:17 p. m.

  2. Roberto said,

    Siempre hay gente sin sentido del humor. Y generalmente son anónimos. ¡Qué falta de curiosidad!

    on 10:06 a. m.

  3. Anónimo said,

    Buanisima la web esa! me estuve riendo por horas mientras leia las idioteses que el tipo habia escrito. Buena

    on 3:31 p. m.