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Britney Spears y los Blogs.

Leí esto y me mató de risa. Así que intentaré a ver qué pasa.

I’m told that you can put up any old rubbish on Britney Spears and gain masses of visitors. I find that hard to believe, but rather than just reject the idea I thought I’d test it. So here’s the result the blogs been modified slightly. The site should be, with the help of Britney Spears, stronger in the search engines. Now I know what you’re thinking. You can live with the Britney Spears Pictures, but what about the content? Am I going to drop in phrases simply to grab visitors and abuse the name of Britney Spears? Naked term dropping like Britney Spears dvd, simply because Overture’s Keyword tool says it’s a popular search query, is not the sort of thing I’d do. So I assure you there will be Britney Spears pics, but no gratuitous references to her name.

2 comentarios:

  1. submergere said,

    Si hubieras esperado un poquito, hubieras ganado el doble de visitas porque la Britney tuvo su bebé apenas unos minutos después de la hora en que has publicado esto.

    on 11:30 p. m.

  2. xxx said,

    que linda sale alli.

    on 12:45 a. m.